Monday, July 23, 2018

Cấu hình Remote Access IPSec VPN trên Cisco ASA

- Remote access VPN là một phương pháp truy cập cho phép người dùng có thể kết nối đến site trung tâm (Centre Site) thông qua một kết nối bảo mật trên một mạng TCP/IP như Internet.
- Chương này sẽ mô tả phương pháp xây dựng một kết nối Remote Access VPN. Bao gồm những chủ đề sau:
+ Cấu hình tổng hợp
+ Cấu hình các Interface
+ Cấu hình ISAKMP Policy và Enable ISAKMP trên Outside Interface
+ Cấu hình một dải địa chỉ IP
+ Tạo một Transform Set
+ Định nghĩa một Tunnel Group
+ Tạo một Dynamic Crypto Map
+ Tạo một Crypto Map Entry để sử dụng Dynamic Crypto Map
1. Cấu hình tổng hợp
- Phần này sử dụng cấu hình tổng quát để giải thích phương pháp để cấu hình một kết nối truy cập từ xa. Những phần sau sẽ cung cấp những bước làm cụ thể.
ASA_5505(config)# interface ethernet0
ASA_5505(config-if)# ip address
ASA_5505(config-if)# nameif outside
ASA_5505(config)# no shutdown
ASA_5505(config)# isakmp policy 1 authentication pre-share
ASA_5505(config)# isakmp policy 1 encryption 3des
ASA_5505(config)# isakmp policy 1 hash sha
ASA_5505(config)# isakmp policy 1 group 2
ASA_5505(config)# isakmp policy 1 lifetime 43200
ASA_5505(config)# isakmp enable outside
ASA_5505(config)# ip local pool LANVPN
ASA_5505(config)# username VNEVPN password 12345678
ASA_5505(config)# crypto ipsec transform set FirstSet esp-3des esp-md5-hmac
ASA_5505(config)# tunnel-group vnegroup type ipsec-ra
ASA_5505(config)# tunnel-group vnegroup general-attributes
ASA_5505(config-general)# address-pool LANVPN
ASA_5505(config)# tunnel-group vnegroup ipsec-attributes
ASA_5505(config-ipsec)# pre-shared-key vnexperts123
ASA_5505(config)# crypto dynamic-map dyn1 1 set transform-set FirstSet
ASA_5505(config)# crypto dynamic-map dyn1 1 set reverse-route
ASA_5505(config)# crypto map mymap 1 ipsec-isakmp dynamic dyn1
ASA_5505(config)# crypto map mymap interface outside
ASA_5505(config)# write memory
2. Cấu hình các Interface
- Một thiết bị ASA phải có ít nhất 2 interface, một interface được sử dụng để kết nối ra Internet gọi là Interface Outside và một interface được sử dụng để kết nối vào mạng LAN gọi là Interface Inside.
- Để bắt đầu, trước tiên phải cấu hình và enable 2 interface trên thiết bị ASA. Sau đó gán tên, địa chỉ IP và subnet mask. Tùy chọn, cấu hình cấp độ bảo mật (security level), tốc độ và chế độ duplex trên các interface của thiết bị đó.
- Để cấu hình các interface, thực thi những bước sau, sử dụng đúng cú pháp của các câu lệnh trong những ví dụ sau:

Step 1: Vào chế độ cấu hình Interface, trong chế độ cấu hình global configuration nhập câu lệnh inteface với tên mặc định của interface để cấu hình. Ví dụ sau sẽ cấu hình trên interface tên là Ethernet 0:
ASA_5505(config)# interface ethernet0


Step 2: Để cấu hình địa chỉ IP và subnet mask cho interface, sử dụng câu lệnh ip address. Trong ví dụ sau địa chỉ IP là và subnet mask là sẽ được sử dụng để cấu hình.
ASA_5505(config-if)# ip address


Step 3: Gán tên cho interface, dùng câu lệnh nameif, tối đa là 48 ký tự cho tên của interface. Bạn không thể thay đổi tên này sau khi mà bạn đã gán nó vào interface. Trong ví dụ sau, thì tên của interface Ethernet 0 là Outside.
ASA_5505(config-if)# nameif outside


Step 4: Để cho phép Interface đó hoạt động, sử dụng câu lệnh no shutdown. Theo mặc định thì interface sẽ bị disable.
ASA_5505(config-if)# no shutdown


Step 5: Để lưu những thay đổi cấu hình trên ASA, sử dụng câu lệnh write memory
ASA_5505(config-if)# write memory


Step 6: Để cấu hình một Interface thứ 2, sử dụng lại các bước như trên.

3. Cấu hình ISAKMP Policy và Enable ISAKMP trên Outside Interface
- Internet Security Association và Key Management Protocol, cũng được gọi là IKE, là một giao thức được dùng để đàm phán giữa 2 host chấp nhận một phương pháp để xây dựng một IPSec Security Association. Mỗi một quá trình đàm phán của ISAKMP sẽ được chia thành 2 quá trình nhỏ gọi là Phase 1 và Phase 2.
- Phase 1 tạo tunnel đầu tiên để bảo vệ những thông điệp ISAKMP thương lượng cuối cùng. Phase 2 tạo tunnel để bảo vệ dữ liệu được truyền trên kết nối bảo mật đó.
- Để tạo một quá trình ISAKMP tiến hành thương lượng, bạn tạo một ISAKMP policy. Policy đó bao gồm những thành phần sau:
* Một phương thức xác thực, để đảm bảo tính xác thực chính xác giữa hai thiết bị.
* Một phương thức mã hóa, để bảo vệ dữ liệu và tính riêng tư của dữ liệu đó.
* Một phương thức Hashed Message Authentication Code để đảm bảo tính xác thực của người gửi và đảm bảo thông điệp đó sẽ không bị sửa đổi gì trong quá trình truyền.
* Một nhóm Diffie-Hellman để gán độ lớn của khóa mã hóa.
* Một khoảng thời gian sẽ được ASA sử dụng một khóa mã hóa trước khi thay bằng khóa mã hóa khác.
- Để cấu hình ISAKMP Policy, bạn sử dụng chế độ cấu hình global configuration, và dùng câu lệnh isakmp policy với những tham số kèm theo. Cú pháp của câu lệnh cấu hình ISAKMP Policy l�isakmp policy priority attribute_name [attribute_value | integer ].
- Thực thi theo những bước sau và sử dụng những câu lệnh trong ví dụ sau như một hướng dẫn:

Step 1: Cấu hình phương thức xác thực. Ví dụ sau cấu hình preshared key. Giá trị Priority là 1 trong ví dụ này:
ASA_5505(config)# isakmp policy 1 authentication pre-share


Step 2: Cấu hình phương thức mã hóa. Ví dụ sau cấu hình 3DES.
ASA_5505(config)# isakmp policy 1 encryption 3des

Step 3: Cấu hình phương thức HMAC. Ví dụ sau cấu hình SHA-1.
ASA_5505(config)# isakmp policy 1 hash sha


Step 4: Cấu hình nhóm Diffie-Hellman. Ví dụ sau cấu hình nhóm 2.
ASA_5505(config)# isakmp policy 1 group 2


Step 5: Cấu hình khoảng thời gian sử dụng khóa mã hóa. Ví dụ sau cấu hình 43200 giây (12 giờ )
ASA_5505(config)# isakmp policy 1 lifetime 43200


Step 6: Cho phép ISAKMP hoạt động trên interface tên là outside.
ASA_5505(config)# isakmp enable outside


Step 7: Để lưu những thay đổi cấu hình, nhập câu lệnh write memory
ASA_5505(config)# write memory

4. Cấu hình một dải địa chỉ IP
- ASA cần một phương thức để gán địa chỉ IP cho các user. Phương thức đó là sử dụng một dải các địa chỉ. Thay vì phải có một DHCP server để gán một địa chỉ hoặc có một AAA server để gán chúng. Ví dụ sau sử dụng một dải địa chỉ.

Step 1: Để cấu hình một dải địa chỉ, dùng câu lệnh ip local pool. Cú pháp của câu lệnh l�ip local pool poolname first_address-last_address. Trong ví dụ sau thì tên của dải IP đó là LANVPN.
ASA_5505(config)# ip local pool LANVPN


Step 2: Lưu những thay đổi cấu hình
ASA_5505(config)# write memory


5. Tạo một User
- Để xác định người dùng truy cập từ xa vào ASA, cấu hình usernames và passwords.


Step 1: Để tạo user, sử dụng câu lệnh username. Cú pháp của câu lệnh l�username username password password. Trong ví dụ sau sẽ cấu hình username là vneuser và password là 12345678
ASA_5505(config)# username vneuser password 12345678


Step 2: Lặp lại bước 1 với mỗi một user được tạo thêm.

6. Tạo một Transform Set
- Một transform set tích hợp một phương thức mã hóa và một phương thức xác thực. Trong suốt quá trình IPSec thương lượng một kết nối bảo mật với ISAKMP, thì các thiết bị đầu cuối chấp nhận sử dụng một thành phần transform set để bảo vệ luồng dữ liệu. Transform set sẽ phải giống nhau trên cả hai thiết bị đầu cuối.
- Bạn có thể tạo nhiều transform set, và sau đó chỉ định một hoặc nhiều những transform set trong một crypto map entry. Thiết bị ASA sử dụng tranform set để bảo vệ luồng dữ liệu cho crypto map entry access list.


Step 1: Để cấu hình một transform set, ở chế độ cấu hình global configuration sử dụng câu lệnh crypto ipsec transform-set. Cú pháp của câu lệnh:

crypto ipsec transform-set transform-set-name encryption-method authentication-method
Ví dụ sau sẽ cấu hình một transform set với tên FirstSet, phương thức mã hóa là esp-3des, phương thức xác thực là esp-md5-hmac.
ASA_5505(config)# crypto ipsec transform set FirstSet esp-3des esp-md5-hmac


Step 2: Lưu những thay đổi.
ASA_5505(config)# write memory

7. Định nghĩa một Tunnel Group
- Một tunnel group là một tập hợp của những bản ghi có chứa các chính sách của tunnel. Bạn cấu hình một tunnel group để xác định một AAA server, chỉ ra các tham số kết nối, và định nghĩa một chính sách nhóm mặc định. Thiết bị ASA sẽ lưu trữ các tunnel group này bên trong thiết bị.
- Có hai nhóm tunnel mặc định trong một hệ thống ASA là: DefaultRAGroup, là một tunnel group mặc định cho IPSec remote-access, và DefaultL2Lgroup, là một tunnel group mặc định cho IPSec LAN-to-LAN tunnel. Bạn có thể thay đổi chúng nhưng không được phép xóa chúng. Thiết bị ASA sử dụng các group để cấu hình các tham số tunnel mặc định cho remote access và cho LAN-to-LAN tunnel group khi mà tunnel group không được chỉ định trong suốt quá trình tunnel thương lượng.
- Để thiết lập một kết nối cơ bản remote access, bạn phải cấu hình 3 thuộc tính cho một tunnel group:
* Cấu hình loại kết nối cho IPSec remote access
* Cấu hình phương thức gán địa chỉ IP, trong ví dụ này, phương thức gán địa chỉ IP là sử dụng dải địa chỉ.
* Cấu hình phương thức xác thực, trong ví dụ này sử dụng preshared key.

Step 1: Để cấu hình loại kết nối cho IPSec remote access, dùng câu lệnh: tunnel-group. Cú pháp của câu lệnh l�tunnel-group name type type, trong đó name là tên bạn gán cho tunnel group, v�type là loại tunnel. Các loại tunnel mà bạn có thể nhập vào trong câu lệnh trên là:
* ipsec-ra (IPSec remote access)
* ipsec-l2l (IPSec Lan to Lan)
- Trong ví dụ này tên của tunnel group là vnegroup:
ASA_5505(config)# tunnel-group testgroup type ipsec-ra


Step 2: Để cấu hình một phương thức xác thực cho tunnel group, sử dụng chế độ general-attributes và sau đó dùng câu lệnh address-pool để tạo một dải địa chỉ. Trong ví dụ này thì tên của group là vnegroup và tên của dải địa chỉ là LANVPN.
ASA_5505(config)# tunnel-group vnegroup general-attributes
ASA_5505(config-general)# address-pool LANVPN


Step 3: Để cấu hình phương thức xác thực, vào chế độ cấu hình ipsec-attributes và sau đó sử dụng câu lệnh pre-shared-key để tạo preshared key. Bạn cần sử dụng các preshared key giống nhau trên cả hai thiết bị là ASA và client.
ASA_5505(config)# tunnel-group testgroup ipsec-attributes
ASA_5505(config-ipsec)# pre-shared-key vnexperts123


Step 4: Lưu cấu hình thay đổi
ASA_5505(config)# write memory

8. Tạo một Dynamic Crypto Map
- Thiết bị ASA sử dụng dynamic crypto maps để định nghĩa một chính sách tạm thời, trong đó tất cả các tham số không được cấu hình. Các dynamic crypto map cho phép ASA nhận những kết nối từ các VPN client chưa có địa chỉ IP.
- Dynamic crypto map sẽ xác định transform set cho các kết nối. Bạn cũng có thể enable định tuyến, để cho phép ASA có thể học các thông tin định tuyến từ các client kết nối trực tiếp, và quảng bá chúng qua RIP hoặc OSPF.

Step 1: để chỉ định một transform set cho một dynamic crypto map, sử dụng câu lệnh crypto dynamic-map set transform-set.
ASA_5505(config)# crypto dynamic-map dyn1 1 set transform-set FirstSet


Step 2: Để enable RRI cho các kết nối dựa trên crypto map entry này, thì dùng câu lệnh crypto dynamic-map set reverse route.
ASA_5505(config)# crypto dynamic-map dyn1 1 set reverse-route


Step 3: Lưu những cấu hình thay đổi
ASA_5505(config)# write memory
9. Tạo một Crypto Map entry để sử dụng Dynamic Crypto Map
- Tiếp theo tạo một crypto map entry để cho phép ASA sử dụng dynamic crypto map để gán các tham số của IPSec security

Step 1: Để tạo một crypto map entry cho việc sử dụng dynamic crypto map, sử dụng câu lệnh crypto map. Cú pháp câu lệnh crypto map map-name seq-num ipsec-isakmp dynamic dynamic-map-name.

ASA_5505(config)# crypto map mymap 1 ipsec-isakmp dynamic dyn1


Step 2: Để gán crypto map vào một interface outside, dùng câu lệnh crypto map interface. Cú pháp của câu lệnh map map-name interface interface-name
ASA_5505(config)# crypto map mymap interface outside
Với bài viết này các bạn có thể tham khảo để xây dựng hệ thống VPN Remote Access cho chính doanh nghiệp của mình.

Friday, July 13, 2018

Creating a mksysb backup to tape in AIX

What is a mksysb and why create one ?

A mksysb is a bootable backup of your root volume group. The
mksysb process will backup all mounted JFS and JFS2 filesystem
data. The file-system image is in backup-file format. The tape
format includes a boot image, system/rootvg informational files, an
empty table of contents, followed by the system backup (root
volume group) image. The root volume group image is in
backup-file format, starting with the data files and then any optional
map files.

When a bootable backup of a root volume group is created, the boot
image reflects the currently running kernel. If the current kernel is the
64-bit kernel, the backup's boot image is also 64-bit, and it only boots
64-bit systems. If the current kernel is a 32-bit kernel, the backup's
boot image is 32-bit, and it can boot both 32-bit and 64-bit systems.

In general the mksysb backup is the standard backup utility used to
recover a system from an unusable state - whether that be a result of
data corruption, a disk failure, or any other situation that leaves you in
an unbootable state. You should create a mksysb backup on a
schedule in line with how often your rootvg data changes, and always
before any sort of system software upgrade.
A mksysb tape can also be used to boot a system into maintenance
mode for work on the rootvg in cases where the system can not boot
into normal mode.

Mksysb tape structure
When creating a mksysb to tape, 4 images are created in total.
  |  Bosboot  |  Mkinsttape  |  Dummy TOC  |    rootvg      | 
  |   Image   |     Image    |    Image    |     data       | 
  |<----------- Block size 512 ----------->| Blksz defined  | 
  |                                        | by the device  | 
Image #1: The bosboot image contains a copy of the system's kernel
and specific device drivers, allowing the user to boot from this tape.

    blocksize:              512 
    format:                 raw image 
    files:                  kernel device drivers 
Image #2: The mkinsttape image contains files to be loaded into the
RAM file system when you are booting in maintenance.
    blocksize:              512 
    format:                 backbyname 
    files:                  ./, ./tapeblksz, 
                            ./ and other 
                            commands required to initiate 
                            the restore.
Image #3: The dummy image contains a single file containing the
words "dummy toc". This image is used to make the mksysb tape
contain the same number of images as a BOS Install tape. This is
merely reference to pre-AIX V4 days when AIX was installed from tape.

Image #4: The rootvg image contains data from the rootvg volume
group (mounted JFS/JFS2 file systems only).
    blocksize:              determined by tape drive 
                            configuration on creation
    format:                 backbyname (backup/restore)
    files:                  rootvg, mounted JFS/JFS2 
WARNING: If the device blocksize is set to 0, mksysb will 
use a hardcoded value of 512 for the fourth image. This can 
cause the create and restore to take 5-10 times longer than 
expected. You should set your tape drive’s block size to the 
recommended value for optimal performance.

Files important to the mksysb
There are a few files that the mksysb uses in order to successfully
rebuild your rootvg environment. These files are located on the 2nd
image of your mksysb tape. Three of the files you may find yourself
working with are described below. : This file can be used to pre-set the BOS menu options. Selections such as which disk to install to, kernel settings, and
whether or not to recover TCP related information can all be set here.
This file is mainly used for non-prompted installations. Any option
selected during a prompted install will override the corresponding setting in this file.
For more information concerning the individual stanza descriptions see the publib website PubLib Documentation by searching on " file stanza descriptions". : This file is responsible for holding information used to
rebuild the rootvg structure before the data is restored. This
information includes the sizes, names, maps, and mount points of
logical volumes and file systems in the root volume group. It is
extremely important that this file is up to date and correct, otherwise
the restore can fail. It is common to edit this file when it is necessary to
break mirroring during a restore.
For more information concerning the file and the stanza
descriptions see the publib website PubLib Documentation. by searching on " file".

tapeblksz : This is a small text file that indicates the block size the
tape drive was changed to in order to write the 4th image of the
mksysb. This information would be useful if you wanted to restore
individual files/directories from your mksysb image.

Important information concerning mksysb flags
It is very important that you understand the use and intent of a few of
the flags used by the mksysb command. Improper use, lack of use, or
use of certain flags in certain situations could cause your mksysb to
be difficult to restore. In some cases it may cause your mksysb to be

-i : Calls the ‘mkszfile’ command, which updates the file
with current filesystem sizes and characteristics. This flag should
always be used unless there is a very specific reason you do not
wish to have this information updated. Failure to have an accurate file can cause your mksysb restore to fail with “out of
space” errors.

-e : Allows you to exclude data by editing the /etc/exclude.rootvg file.
A few tips on excluding data from your mksysb are listed below :

  • There should be one entry per line of the file. It can be either a single file or directory name.
  • The correct format of each entry should be ^./<path>
  • Never use wildcards.
  • Do not leave extra spaces or blank lines in the file.

While the /etc/exclude.rootvg file excludes data, bear in mind that it
does not exclude the fact that a filesystem exists. For example if you
have a 50Gig filesystem “/data” and add an entry in your
/etc/exclude.rootvg file :
This will exclude all files in /data but it will still recreate the /data
filesystem as a 50Gig filesystem (except it will now be empty).
The only way to truly exclude a filesystem from your mksysb would
be to unmount the filesystem before initiating your mksysb.
-p : Using this flag disables the software compression algorithms.
When creating a mksysb during any level of system activity it is
recommended to use the “-p” flag. Failure to do so can cause
“unpacking / file out of phase” errors during your mksysb restore.
These errors are fatal (unrecoverable) errors. No warning is given
during the creation of the mksysb that notifies you of the possibility
of having these errors during the restore.
You may want to make the “-p” flag compulsory when running your mksysb command so you do not run into this situation.

-X : This flag will cause the system to automatically expand the /tmp
filesystem if necessary. The /tmp filesystem will require approximately
32Mb of free space.

For more information about these and other mksysb command flags, please refer the the mksysb man page.

Creating a mksysb to a tape drive in AIX V5
1. Using SMITTY :
# smitty mksysb 
Backup DEVICE or FILE.........................[/dev/rmt0]
Create MAP files?
EXCLUDE files? (-e)
List files as they are backed up?
Verify readability if tape device?
Generate new / file?................yes (-i)
EXPAND /tmp if needed? (-X)
Disable software packing of backup? (-p)
Backup extended attributes?...................yes
Number of BLOCKS to write in a single output..[]
The only required selection here would be the tape drive to use for
the backup. Default flags are listed above. Change flags as necessary
for your environment / situation.
*Please refer to the section above entitled “Important Information Regarding Mksysb Flags"

2. From command line :

# mksysb -i /dev/rmt0
This command reflects the options listed in the above “smitty mksysb”
output. This does not take into account any customization flags.
Please review the section above entitled “Important Information
Regarding Mksysb Flags”
to be best informed concerning the
flags that you should use.

Creating a mksysb to a tape drive in AIX V6
1. Using SMITTY :
# smitty mksysb 
Backup DEVICE or FILE.........................[/dev/rmt0]
Create MAP files?
EXCLUDE files? (-e)
List files as they are backed up?
Verify readability if tape device?
Generate new / file?................yes (-i)
EXPAND /tmp if needed? (-X)
Disable software packing of backup? (-p)
Backup extended attributes?...................yes
Number of BLOCKS to write in a single output..[]
Location of existing mksysb image.............[]
File system to use for temporary work space...[]
Backup encrypted files?.......................yes
Back up DMAPI filesystem files?...............yes
The only required selection here would be the tape drive to use for
the backup. Default flags are listed above. Change flags as necessary
for your environment / situation.
*Please refer to the section above entitled “Important Information Regarding Mksysb Flags"
There are a few extra options with V6 mksysb using SMIT. The most
notable being the option “Location of existing mksysb image”. You
can now use an existing mksysb taken to file and copy that to tape. An
attempt will be made to make the tape a bootable tape. You should
use a system at the same or higher technology level and service pack level as the mksysb
image if you choose to do this. The command line flag would be “-F”.
This does require a minimum of 100Mb free in /tmp. See the manpage
for further information. This flag was introduced as a command line
option in AIX V5 (5300-05).

2. From command line :

# mksysb -i /dev/rmt0
This command reflects the options listed in the above “smitty mksysb”
output. This does not take into account any customization flags.
Please review the section above entitled “Important Information
Regarding Mksysb Flags”
to be best informed concerning the
flags that you should use.

Verification of a mksysb
There is no true verification of the “restorability” of a mksysb other
than actually restoring it. Taking cautions such as understanding the
flags used for the creation of the mksysb, checking your error
report for any tape drive related errors before running the mksysb,
regular cleaning of the tape drive, and verifying the readability of the
mksysb after creation are all good checks.
If your system is in good health your mksysb should be in good
health. Similarly, if you attempt to create a mksysb of a system
logging hundreds of disk errors, or a system with known filesystem
corruption, your mksysb will likely retain that corruption.
To verify the readability of your backup run the following command :

# listvgbackup -Vf /dev/rmt0
Any errors that occur while reading the headers of any of the files will
be displayed, otherwise only the initial backup header information will
be displayed. Keep in mind that this check tests the readability of the
file only, not the writeability.

Restoring a mksysb
To restore a mksysb image you simply need to boot from the tape and
verify your selections in the BOS menus. Next, we’ll cover two
booting scenarios. One in which your system is currently up and
operational, the next in which your system is down.
1. If your system is currently running and you need to restore your
mksysb, simply change the bootlist to reflect the tape drive and reboot
the system.

# bootlist -m normal rmt0
# shutdown -Fr 
2. If your system is in a down state you should boot to the SMS menus
and set your bootlist to reflect the tape drive. The SMS menu options
are listed below. Your menu options may be different (depending on
your level of firmware), however it should be clear enough by following
this document to figure out what options should be chosen if yours differ.
1. Select Language
2. Change Password Options
3. View Error Log
4. Setup Remote IPL (RIPL (Remote Initial Program Load))
5. Change SCSI Settings
6. Select Console
--> 7. Select Boot Options
The next menu should come up :
--> 1. Select Install or Boot Device
2. Configure Boot Device Order
3. Multiboot Startup
The next menu will have the following :
Select Device Type :
1. Diskette
2. Tape
4. IDE
5. Hard Drive
6. Network
--> 7. List all Devices
The system will scan itself to determine which devices are available to
boot from. All of your available boot devices will be displayed here.
This menu can be a little tricky. If you have a device pre-selected it
will have a 1 next to it under the “Current Position” column. Use the
“Select Device Number” listing to choose the device you want to boot
from to change that.
The next screen will offer you three choices :
1. Information
--> 2. Normal Mode Boot
3. Service Mode Boot

Restore menus
I. From the Installation and Maintenance Menu, select (2):
          1)  Start Installation Now with Default Settings 
          2)  Change/Show Installation Settings and Install 
          3)  Start Maintenance Mode for System Recovery 
II. From the System Backup Installation and Settings, you’ll see the
default options that are taken from your “” file. If these are
correct select (0) and skip down to step 6 below.
If you need to change any options such as the disks you would like to
install to select (1):
             Setting:                  Current Choice(s): 
          1. Disk(s) where you want to install... hdisk0 
             Use Maps............................ No 
          2. Shrink File Systems................. No 
          0. Install with the settings listed above. 
To shrink the file systems to reclaim allocated free space, select
option 2 so the setting is set to Yes. For the file systems to be
restored with the same allocated space as the original system, make
sure option 2 is set to No.

III. Change Disk(s) Where You Want to Install.
      Type one or more numbers for the disks to be used for 
installation and press Enter. The current choice is indicated by >>>. 
To deselect a choice, type the corresponding number and press Enter. 
At least one bootable disk must be selected. Choose the location by its SCSI ID.
              Name    Location Code      Size (MB)  VG Status    Bootable 
     >>>   1. hdisk0  00-01-00-0,0      70008       rootvg        yes 
     >>>   2. hdisk1  00-01-00-1,0      70008       rootvg        yes 
0. Continue with the choices indicated above 
After the desired disks have been chosen, select (0) to continue.
IV. System Backup Installation and Settings, select (0 to continue)
             Setting:                                Current Choice(s): 
          1. Disk(s) where you want to install......... hdisk0...
          2. Use Maps.................................. No 
          3. Shrink File Systems....................... No 
          0. Install with the settings listed above. 

Restoring individual files or directories from a mksysb tape
You may at some point need to restore a file, several files, or
directories from your mksysb. You’ll need to first find the block size the
rootvg data was written at (4th image). Files will be restored relative to
your current location on the system when the restore command is
executed. If you would like the files to return to their original location
run the restore command (step 3) from /, otherwise cd down to the
path you wish the file(s) to be restored.

1. Display the contents of the ./tapeblksz file on the mksysb to
determine the correct block size the tape drive should be set to for the
restore command.
# cd /tmp 
# tctl -f /dev/rmt0 rewind
# chdev -l rmt0 -a block_size=512 
# restore -s2 -xqvdf /dev/rmt0.1 ./tapeblksz 
# cat ./tapeblksz 
The output that is given is the blocksize to which the tape drive was
set when the mksysb was made.

2. Next, set the blocksize of the tape drive accordingly by running the
following command :

# chdev -l rmt0 -a block_size=<number in the ./tapeblksz file>
3. Restore the files or directories by running the following commands :
# cd /  (if the file is to be restored to its original place) 
# tctl -f /dev/rmt0 rewind 
# restore -s4 -xqdvf /dev/rmt0.1 ./<pathname>
You can specify multiple <pathname> entries for multiple
file(s)/directory structures to restore. Simply separate each entry with
a space. Remember to always use a “./” before each pathname.
**As an alternative you can also use the 'restorevgfiles' command. In
the interest of keeping this document "relatively" short - no further
examples will be given. Please see the manpage for use of this

This section is included to provide answers to common questions
asked concerning mksysb. This section is not intended to diagnose
any problem or perform any problem determination. These
questions/answers are intended to hopefully prevent the need to call
up and open a problem ticket for a short duration / short answer
question. If you have any questions that you feel might be helpful,
please submit feedback on this document and it may be added.

1. The rootvg on my mksysb tape has all JFS filesystems, and
I’d like to change them to JFS2 filesystems. How can I do this ?

The only supported method of changing rootvg system filesystems
from JFS to JFS2 would be to run a “New and Complete Overwrite”

2. Does the mksysb command backup nfs mountpoints ?
No, nfs mountpoints are not followed.

3. Will my non-root volume groups automatically mount after
the restore completes ?

That volume group setting is held on the VGDA of the disk the
volume group is held. There is a new option that will allow this to be
set in the BOS menus, so this should no longer be an issue.

4. The document mentions I can restore files from my mksysb.
Are there any restrictions to what I should/should not restore ?

Absolutely. You do not want to restore any files that are critical to the
system running.
Examples of files you do not want to restore: most library files, ODM
files, applications, the kernel...
Examples of files safe to restore : /etc/group, /etc/passwd, cron related
files, /home, any data filesystems you created....

5. How long will my mksysb take to restore ?
That is dependent on many factors - the amount of data that needs to
be restored being the major player in the restore time. A ballpark rule
of thumb would be 1.5 - 2x the time it took to create the mksysb. You
also have to consider reboot time.

6. The restore appears to be hung at 83%, what do I do ?
First you want to make sure this is a “true” hang. This point in the
restore can take anywhere from 10 minutes to even upwards of 60
minutes depending on the size of the rootvg. Make sure you’ve given
it ample time to bypass this portion of the restore before becoming

7. I have a mksysb tape but I don’t know anything about it. Are
there any commands that I can run to get information about the
rootvg it contains ?

There are some very helpful ‘lsmksysb’ commands that can provide all
sorts of information. Some of the things you can find out :
- the ‘lslpp -L’ output to see what filesets are installed on that rootvg
- ‘lsvg -l rootvg’ output will show:
  • volume group information and oslevel
  • total backup size and size of volume group if shrunk to minimum

Backup and Restore With AIX

While there are some strong third-party tools available to you for backup and restore purposes on the AIX OS, don't be afraid of the standard AIX toolset to archive your data.

While there are some strong third-party tools available to you for backup and restore purposes on the AIX OS, don't be afraid of the standard AIX toolset to archive your data.

Most articles on backing up AIX partitions approach the subject tend to focus on database archiving and more sexier subjects like high availability or disaster recovery/business continuity solutions. It’s important to make a distinction between failover systems, disaster-recovery (DR) systems and archival systems. Having either a failover or DR server in no way precludes you from the responsibility of backing up your data. That’s because neither a failover or DR server allows you to selectively restore specific files, directories or an entire partition from a given point in time. In this article I’ll discuss different options, including a discussion on some third-party tools that may fit your needs. These tools must have a strong focus on IBM’s AIX OS, meaning that they aren’t just the by-product of a quick port or a developer that’s been instructed to come out with an AIX version of their software just so they can say they have a cross-platform solution.

AIX Tools

As most systems administrators can attest, there is absolutely nothing wrong with using the utilities that come preloaded with your OS to perform standard backup and recovery. While it’s true that in most cases you do get what you pay for, these tools work very well, though they might not scale as well off-the-shelf products you must purchase. I should also point out that using standard OS tools usually means having to rely on several backup utilities in order to properly safeguard all your system data.
There are three ways in which to kick-off AIX utilities for backup: the System Management Interface Tool (known as SMIT or smitty), WebSM and the command line. I strongly suggest you use the command line for utilities such as tar, cpio and even mksysb, though I usually have no problems using SMIT for most of the other utilities.
Some of the archiving commands available to you include:
  • mksysb—This is the most important utility you should know. Only mksysb lets you recreate your root volume group. Actually, this command will only back up rootvg. There are many flags that you can use with mksys, so I strongly suggest you look at the man pages and fully understand this powerful utility.
  • tar—Tar is usually used to archive files and directories rather than entire filesystems. It allows one to create, view or retrieve archived data from either external media or shared network drives.
  • cpio—This command copies from and to archive storage device. It’s often used to copy files from UNIX to AIX systems. Though not as widely used, I prefer using cpio to tar because it can restore empty directories.
  • dd—This powerful, albeit rarely used, command allows one to make a block-by-block representation of data. It’s very useful in terms of moving data from disparate environments. Decades ago I remember using dd to move ASCII data from my SCO servers to IBM mainframes in EBCDIC, all with dd.
  • savevg—This command backs up data belonging to a specific volume group. In many ways it’s similar to mksysb, but for non-rootvg volume groups.
  • alt_disk_install—This utility allows one to actually clone systems. It’s used frequently by administrators that have several physical devices in their rootvg. Cloning allows administrators to upgrade their OS and then fall back to other disks in case of a problem.
  • multibos—This command allows the root user to make and preserve two versions of the OS in the root filesystem as bootable copies. This option is only available in AIX 5.3.tl3 and higher.
Let’s look at some of these tools.


If you don’t need to perform a backup of the rootvg but only backup a filesystem or directory, use this syntax:
# tar -cvf /dev/rmt0 /yourdata
This command creates a new archive at the beginning of the /dev/rmt0 tape device and each file is listed during backup.
Restore using the x flag:
# tar xvf /dev/rmt0 /yourdata


In the AIX OS, perhaps the single most important command is mksysb. A little known bit of trivia is that IBM was the first vendor who came up with a utility which provided for a full system restore—mksysb. Its purpose isn’t to back up user data, but to create an installable image of the root volume group (rootvg). To reiterate, user data should be kept out of the rootvg. The format of a mksysb includes:
  • Base Operating System boot image
  • Base Operating System install image
  • Dummy table of contents (TOC)
  • Actual data on the volume group
It’s important to note that any user-defined paging spaces, unmounted filesystems and raw devices aren’t backed up in a mksysb, so they need to be recreated. Interestingly enough, the mksysb command uses the backup command to create its archive image:
# mksysb -i /dev/rmt0
This command also creates an / file, which is generated by the mkszfile command. The mkszfile command overwrites the existing / file with new information. The information includes system installation information, logical volume information for the root volume group and filesystem information.
The syntax in using mkszfile is:
# mkszfile -f
With mksysb you can do a complete restore or alternatively selectively restore files. To perform a manual restore of file from a mksysb archive:
# restore -xqvf /dev/rmt0 /myrestorationfile


In this example I’ll use savevg to backup an entire filesystem:
savevg -f /dev/rmt0 oravg
To restore the filesystem on to one of the physical disks:
restvg -f /dev/rmt0 hdisk6

Third-Party Tools

I love Tivoli Storage Manager For System Backup and Recovery, though I admit I liked it more before it was swallowed up by TSM. Among other features it handles multiple volume groups and backups striped over multiple backup devices. It can even restore to a different platform—in this sense it’s more useful than mksysb and savevg. You can even run this tool using SMIT. It also allows you to choose between varying types of backups including full system (installation image), volume group, filesystem, file or directory, and raw logical volumes. It can also backup and restore non-rootvg data.
SBAdmin from Storix is a turnkey solution which lets you rebuild your entire AIX system from the ground up, including LVM. It can individually back up and restore files, directories, filesystems, raw partitions, volume groups, raw logical volumes or the entire system in case of a disaster. Backups can be archived to local or remote tape or disk on any AIX or Linux system. It also has full support for AIX 6.1. SBAdmin records your system and storage configuration with each system backup, allowing you to restore your data to different hardware.

Back Up Your Data

I’ll reiterate that while there are some strong third-party tools available to you, don’t be afraid of the standard AIX toolset to archive your data. If the complexity of your environment requires you to have more options available to you in a more simplistic manner, look into third-party tools, which in many cases function as more of a turn-key backup solution that using standard AIX commands. Whatever you decide to use, make sure you perform daily backups of your critical data. While backing up your data can be tedious, there’s no larger responsibly you have than to back up your data.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Saving to and restoring from a tape device

Use these procedures to save and restore Linux files between a Linux logical partition that uses IBM® i resources and a shared tape drive.
Ensure that your Linux data is in the file server.
Linux typically treats tape as a character device that it can quickly read from or write to in long streams of data, but cannot quickly access to find specific data. By contrast, Linux treats a disk or CD as a block device that it can read from or write to quickly at any point on the device, making it suitable for the mount command.
Complete the following steps to save and restore Linux files between a logical partition that uses IBM i resources and a shared tape drive:
  1. Type the following command: tar -b 40 -c -f /dev/st0 files
    Use the following descriptions to help you understand the arguments of this command:
    • tar is the command name (the contraction of "tape archive").
    • -b 40 is the block size in sectors. This argument specifies that Linux is to write the archive stream in blocks of 40 sectors (20 KB). If you do not specify a value for this argument, the default value is 20 sectors (10 KB), which does not perform as well over virtual tape as does a value of 40.
    • -c is the command action to create. This argument specifies that the tar command creates a new archive or overwrites an old one (as opposed to restoring files from an archive or adding individual files to an existing archive).
    • -f /dev/st0 is the virtual tape device and number. This argument specifies that the command uses virtual tape 0 on the server. After the tar command runs, the tape device is closed and the tape is rewound. To save more than one archive on the tape, you must keep the tape from rewinding after each use, and you must position the tape to the next file marker. To do this, specify the nst0 (nonrewinding virtual tape) device instead of st0.
    • files are the names of the files and directories that you plan to save.
    You have now saved Linux data from a logical partition that uses IBM i resources to the shared tape drive.
  2. Type the following command: tar -b 40 -x -f /dev/st0 files
    The -x (extract) argument replaces the -c (create) argument in the tar command used in step 1. You have now restored Linux data from the shared tape drive to a logical partition that is sharing resources.

Using alt_disk_copy

Cloning rootvg
Most system administrators have experienced the following scenario:
  • A failed ML upgrade.
  • It's getting to the end of the day.
  • You cannot fix it.
  • It's too late to get it resolved by third-party support.
  • You need to back out.
Typically, this situation requires a rootvg restore, whether it uses a tape mksysb restore or a network boot restore. There is no doubt it is a pain! Using the alt_disk_copy method to take a copy of your rootvg only requires the time it takes to do a reboot to recover your rootvg to the pre-upgrade event. This article demonstrates how to implement alt_disk_copy when applying an AIX upgrade and how to recover rootvg. alt_disk_copy can also be used for testing two different versions of AIX. You simply upgrade one disk then boot off it, and when you need to go back to the other version, simply boot off that disk instead. Indeed, the alt_disk_copy is often used to clone the rootvg to a spare disk for regular on-line backup of rootvg. It can also be used as a hardware migration tool of rootvg.
The alt_disk utilities consist of the following commands:
  • alt_disk_copy performs disk cloning.
  • alt_rootvg_op performs maintenance operations on the clone rootvg.
  • alt_disk_mysysb performs a mksysb copy.
This demonstration does not discuss alt_disk_mysysb.
The filesets required for the alt commands are:


Overview information

Because the alt_disk_copy command takes a copy of the current running rootvg to another disk, be sure to have all the file systems mounted that you want cloned across. alt_disk_copy only copies the currently mounted file systems in rootvg. There is no need to stop processes to execute alt_disk_copy; however, this process can take some time, so it is best to do it at lunchtime or in the evening (remember it is taking a running copy). Once the copy has completed, you will be presented with two rootvg volume groups:

where altinst_rootvg is the cloned non-active/varied off rootvg. The cloned rootvg has all its logical volumes prefixed with the name 'alt'. The boot list is also changed to boot off altinst_rootvg. AIX likes to do things like this; it assumes you will want to boot off the cloned and not the real rootvg. If the system is now rebooted and when the system comes back up, the original rootvg will become:

The original altinst_rootvg becomes:

If you decide to reboot off the old_rootvg, when the system comes back up, the old_rootvg becomes:

The rootvg becomes:

Do not worry about the renaming of the original and cloned rootvg. I will demonstrate this shortly.
With a successful completion of an upgrade, the disk containing the cloned rootvg can then be destroyed using the alt_rootvg_op and mirrored back in. If the upgrade event has gone disastrously, there is no real problem--simply take a snapshot for third-party support, then boot off the good rootvg. For users to log in, it is business as normal.
When you get a response back from support on the fix, during off-line hours, simply reboot off the cloned rootvg and fix the issue. There is no need to go through the time-consuming tasks of re-applying the upgrade because you already have it on the cloned rootvg. Get the upgrade tested, and if it is all OK, destroy the cloned rootvg and mirror back in.
With the cloned rootvg, you can mount the file systems by waking up the disk using alt_rootvg_op. Doing whatever works is required on the cloned file systems, and one would assume here to fix a patch of link, or gather information for third-party support, then put the disk back to sleep, which will also unmount the file systems.

Excluding directories when cloning

When cloning, you can exclude certain directories by creating the file: /etc/exclude.rootvg. The entries should start with the ^ /. characters. The '^' means to search for the string at the beginning of the line and the './' means relative to the current directory. You are advised to do this so alt_disk_copy does not misinterpret the command, as it uses grep to search for the string. So, make sure you provide the full pathname, prefixed with '^.' , for example, to exclude the following directories:

I could insert into the /etc/exclude.rootvg file:

Make sure there are no empty lines after the last entry.

Let's get cloned!

Let's now go through a typical clone. Assume you have a software two-disk (hdisk0 and hdisk1) mirror of rootvg, and further assume that you are going to do a ML (or application upgrade, assuming it is installed in rootvg) upgrade on this system. I will demonstrate one way this can be done to clone the disk and after a successful upgrade will bring the disk back into rootvg and re-mirror. I will also demonstrate the actions you can take if the upgrade fails.


Before unmirroring the rootvg, first take some time to ensure you are correctly mirrored and have no stale LV's, because if you do, the unmirrorvg will fail. Of course, you could always do a migratepv to move the missing LV's across if the unmirrorvg fails. A simple method to check that you are mirroring is to issue the command:

lsvg -l rootvg
For each row of data output, check that the output of the PPs column is double that of the LPs column.
Another method to check to see if you are mirroring is to use: lspv -l <hdiskx> and compare the output to make sure you have entries for each LV on both disks.
Next, issue the bosboot command. I personally always do this prior to either rebooting or disk operations involving rootvg; it is a good habit to have:

# bosboot -a
bosboot: Boot image is 35803 512 byte blocks.
A listing of the disks being used for this demonstration is as follows:

# lspv
hdisk0          0041a97b0622ef7f                    rootvg          active
hdisk1          00452f0b2b1ec84c                    rootvg          active
Next, unmirror rootvg and take the disk that is going to be used for cloning out of rootvg. This demonstration uses hdisk1 to clone rootvg, so issue the unmirrorvg command:

# unmirrorvg rootvg hdisk1
0516-1246 rmlvcopy: If hd5 is the boot logical volume, please run 'chpv -c <disk
        as root user to clear the boot record and avoid a potential boot
        off an old boot image that may reside on the disk from which this
        logical volume is moved/removed.
0516-1804 chvg: The quorum change takes effect immediately.
0516-1144 unmirrorvg: rootvg successfully unmirrored, user should perform
        bosboot of system to reinitialize boot records.  Then, user must modify
        bootlist to just include:  hdisk0.
Next, take hdisk1 out of rootvg in readiness for the cloning:

# reducevg rootvg hdisk1
Confirm that the disk is now not assigned to any volume groups:

# lspv
hdisk0          0041a97b0622ef7f                    rootvg          active
hdisk1          00452f0b2b1ec84c                    None

Running alt_disk_copy

Now you are ready to issue the alt_disk_copy. Simply supply hdisk1 as a parameter to the command. The basic format is:

alt_disk_copy -d <hdisk to clone rootvg>
To use an exclude list, the basic format is:

alt_disk_copy -e /etc/exclude.rootvg -d <hdisk to clone rootvg>
The following output from the alt_disk_copy command has been truncated:

# alt_disk_copy -d hdisk1
Calling mkszfile to create new / file.
Checking disk sizes.
Creating cloned rootvg volume group and associated logical volumes.
Creating logical volume alt_hd5
Creating logical volume alt_hd6
Creating logical volume alt_hd8
Creating logical volume alt_hd4
Creating logical volume alt_hd2
Creating logical volume alt_hd9var
Creating logical volume alt_hd3
Creating logical volume alt_hd1
Creating logical volume alt_hd10opt
Creating /alt_inst/ file system.
Creating /alt_inst/home file system.
Creating /alt_inst/opt file system.
Creating /alt_inst/tmp file system.
for backup and restore into the alternate file system...
Backing-up the rootvg files and restoring them to the
alternate file system...
Modifying ODM on cloned disk.
Building boot image on cloned disk.
forced unmount of /alt_inst/var
forced unmount of /alt_inst/usr
forced unmount of /alt_inst/tmp
forced unmount of /alt_inst/opt
forced unmount of /alt_inst/home
Changing logical volume names in volume group descriptor area.
Fixing LV control blocks...
Fixing file system superblocks...
Bootlist is set to the boot disk: hdisk1
At this stage, you now have a cloned rootvg called altinst_rootvg. Notice in the previous output alt_disk_copy has changed the bootlist to boot off the cloned rootvg, which is now hdisk1.

# lspv
hdisk0          0041a97b0622ef7f                    rootvg          active
hdisk1          00452f0b2b1ec84c                    altinst_rootvg
This can be confirmed by issuing the bootlist command:

# bootlist -m normal -o
hdisk1 blv=hd5
At this point the ML upgrade can now be installed. After an ML upgrade you will need to reboot the system. For this demonstration, the ML upgrade will be installed on the real rootvg (that is hdisk0), so you need to change the bootlist now, because you want the system to come up with the new upgrade running.

# bootlist -m normal hdisk0
Confirm the change of the bootlist:

# bootlist -m normal -o
hdisk0 blv=hd5
Next, install the ML upgrade, then reboot. After rebooting, the system presents the following rootvg and cloned rootvg. As can be seen, no root volume group has been renamed, because we booted off the real rootvg (hdisk0):

# lspv
hdisk0          0041a97b0622ef7f                    rootvg          active
hdisk1          00452f0b2b1ec84c                    altinst_rootvg
Next let's assume everything has gone OK on the upgrade and support users and the systems administrator has signed it off with no issues found. The alt_disk_copy can now be destroyed, and the disk brought back into rootvg for mirroring. Use the alt_rootvg_op command with the X parameter to destroy the cloned rootvg. The basic format is:

alt_rootvg_op -X < cloned rootvg to destroy>
# alt_rootvg_op -X altinst_rootvg
Bootlist is set to the boot disk: hdisk0
Next, extend rootvg to bring hdisk1, and then mirror up the disk:

# extendvg -f rootvg hdisk1
# mirrorvg rootvg hdisk1
0516-1804 chvg: The quorum change takes effect immediately.
0516-1126 mirrorvg: rootvg successfully mirrored, user should perform
        bosboot of system to initialize boot records.  Then, user must modify
        bootlist to include:  hdisk0 hdisk1.
Change the bootlist to include both disks and run bosboot:

# bootlist -m normal -o hdisk0 hdisk1
hdisk0 blv=hd5
# bosboot -a
bosboot: Boot image is 35803 512 byte blocks.
# bootlist -m normal -o
hdisk0 blv=hd5
hdisk1 blv=hd5
For this demonstration, that's it: mission accomplished. The pgrade is installed with no issues. The system is operational. That's pretty much how alt_disk_copy works if all goes OK. But what if the upgrade fails? What options do you have? Let's look at that next.

Recovery positions, please

Let's now assume you have just installed the ML upgrade and rebooted, and issues have been found with the operational running of AIX. Remember, you currently have the disks in the following state:

# lspv
hdisk0          0041a97b0622ef7f                    rootvg          active
hdisk1          00452f0b2b1ec84c                    altinst_rootvg
At this point, a snapshot should be taken of the running system, in readiness for third-party support, for the call that you will undoubtedly log. Taking stock of the current situation, you have:
  • rootvg: with post-upgrade issues.
  • altinst_rootvg : with good copy pre-upgrade.

Take me back

To get back to the pre-upgrade, simply change the bootlist to boot off the (altinst_rootvg) hdisk1, then reboot. It's that simple:

# bootlist -m normal -o hdisk1
hdisk1 blv=hd5
# bootlist -m normal -o
hdisk1 blv=hd5
# shutdown -Fr
After the reboot, you will be presented with the following rootvg disks:

# lspv
hdisk0          0041a97b0622ef7f                    old_rootvg
hdisk1          00452f0b2b1ec84c                    rootvg          active
Next, issue a bosboot and confirm the bootlist:

# bosboot -a
bosboot: Boot image is 35803 512 byte blocks.
# bootlist -m normal -o
hdisk1 blv=hd5
The system is now back to the pre-upgrade state.

Post upgrade fixing

At a convenient time schedule that is agreed-upon with the end users, and with information provided by third-party support, you can then boot off the ML failed upgraded disk (hdisk0) and apply a fix that might solve the issue, so change the bootlist to boot off (old_rootvg) hdisk0 and reboot:

# bootlist -m normal -o hdisk0
# shutdown -Fr
After the reboot, in readiness to apply the fix, you will be presented with the following rootvg disks:

# lspv
hdisk0          0041a97b0622ef7f                    rootvg          active
hdisk1          00452f0b2b1ec84c                    altinst_rootvg
Next, apply the fix or instructions on how to fix it have been carried out, and assume the system is now operational again.
After the system has been tested and signed off bring in hdisk1, use the commands described earlier:

alt_rootvg_op -X altinst_rootvg
Bootlist is set to the boot disk: hdisk0
# extendvg -f rootvg hdisk1
# mirrorvg rootvg hdisk1
bootlist -m normal -o hdisk0 hdisk1
hdisk0 blv=hd5
# bosboot -a
bosboot: Boot image is 35803 512 byte blocks.
#  bootlist -m normal -o
hdisk0 blv=hd5
hdisk1 blv=hd5
# lspv
hdisk0          0041a97b0622ef7f                    rootvg          active
hdisk1          00452f0b2b1ec84c                    rootvg          active

Waking the disk up

Within a cloned rootvg environment, you can wake up the cloned rootvg to be active. All cloned file systems from the cloned rootvg will be mounted. It is quite useful because you have a good running system, but at the same time mount the file systems from the cloned rootvg for further investigation or file modification. When a cloned rootvg is woken up, it is renamed to:

Do not issue a reboot while the cloned rootvg filesystems are still mounted, because unexpected results can occur. You can also rename a cloned rootvg, which is useful when you have more than one cloned rootvg.
Assume you have the disks in the following state:

# lspv
hdisk0          0041a97b0622ef7f                    old_rootvg
hdisk1          00452f0b2b1ec84c                    rootvg          active
To wake up a disk, the basic format is:

alt_rootvg_op -W -d < hdisk>
Let's now wake up old_rootvg (hdisk0):

# alt_rootvg_op -W -d hdisk0
Waking up old_rootvg volume group ...
Checking the state of the disks, you can see the old_rootvg has been renamed to altinst_rootvg and is now active.

# lspv
hdisk0          0041a97b0622ef7f                    altinst_rootvg  active
hdisk1          00452f0b2b1ec84c                    rootvg          active
The cloned file systems have been mounted, with the prefix of /alt_:

# df -m
Filesystem    MB blocks      Free %Used    Iused %Iused Mounted on
/dev/hd4         128.00    102.31   21%     2659    11% /
/dev/hd2        1968.00    111.64   95%    40407    58% /usr
/dev/hd9var      112.00     77.82   31%      485     3% /var
/dev/hd3          96.00     69.88   28%      330     3% /tmp
/dev/hd1         208.00    118.27   44%     1987     7% /home
/proc                 -         -    -         -     -  /proc
/dev/hd10opt    1712.00   1445.83   16%     6984     3% /opt
/dev/alt_hd4     128.00    102.16   21%     2645    11% /alt_inst
/dev/alt_hd1     208.00     33.64   84%     1987    21% /alt_inst/home
/dev/alt_hd10opt   1712.00   1445.77   16%     6984     3% /alt_inst/opt
/dev/alt_hd3      96.00     72.38   25%      335     2% /alt_inst/tmp
/dev/alt_hd2    1968.00    100.32   95%    40407    59% /alt_inst/usr
/dev/alt_hd9var    112.00     77.53   31%      477     3% /alt_inst/var
At this point file modification or further investigation can be carried out on the cloned rootvg. Now you can access the cloned file systems. Once these tasks have been carried out, put the cloned rootvg to sleep and in the same operation issue a bosboot on that disk. The basic format of the command is:

alt_rootvg_op -S -t <hdisk>
Let's now put the altinst_rootvg to sleep:

# alt_rootvg_op -S -t hdisk0
Putting volume group altinst_rootvg to sleep ...
Building boot image on cloned disk.
forced unmount of /alt_inst/var
forced unmount of /alt_inst/usr
forced unmount of /alt_inst/tmp
forced unmount of /alt_inst/opt
forced unmount of /alt_inst/home
forced unmount of /alt_inst
forced unmount of /alt_inst
Fixing LV control blocks...
Fixing file system superblocks...
The current state of the disks is now:

# lspv
hdisk0          0041a97b0622ef7f                    altinst_rootvg
hdisk1          00452f0b2b1ec84c                    rootvg          active
From the above demonstration, you can see the cloned rootvg name stayed the same: altinst_rootvg.
It is sometimes good to go back to the original state of the disks to save confusion, especially if you have more than one cloned disk. So rename altinst_rootvg back to old_rootvg. The basic format is:

alt_rootvg_op -v <new cloned rootvg name> -d <hdisk>
So in this example, you would issue:

# alt_rootvg_op -v old_rootvg -d hdisk0
# lspv
hdisk0          0041a97b0622ef7f                    old_rootvg
hdisk1          00452f0b2b1ec84c                    rootvg          active
Of course, you could rename the cloned rootvg to something more meaningful, if so desired.

# alt_rootvg_op -v bad_rootvg -d hdisk0
bash-2.05a# lspv
hdisk0          0041a97b0622ef7f                    bad_rootvg
hdisk1          00452f0b2b1ec84c                    rootvg          active

From this point, the system is now operational or not, depending on the success of the fix, using the commands described earlier.
If the fix worked on (old_rootvg) hdisk0, then run with the new ML version.
Confirm that the disk will boot off hdisk0:

# bootlist -m normal -o hdisk0

# shutdown -Fr
Destroy the newly cloned disk (we rebooted off old_rootvg; it now becomes altinst_rootvg) hdisk1:

# alt_rootvg_op -X altinst_rootvg
Bring in hdisk1 into rootvg for mirroring:

# extendvg -f rootvg hdisk1
# mirrorvg rootvg hdisk1
# bosboot -a
# bootlist -m normal -o hdisk0 hdisk1
If the fix did not work, then stay at the same ML version, and fix another day:
Confirm that the disk will boot off hdisk1:

# bootlist -m normal -o hdisk1
Destroy cloned disk (old_rootvg) hdisk0:

# alt_rootvg_op -X old_rootvg
Bring in hdisk0 into rootvg for mirroring:

# extendvg -f rootvg hdisk0
# mirrorvg rootvg hdisk0
# bosboot -a
# bootlist -m normal -o hdisk0 hdisk1


This article showed that using the alt command is a quick way to recover rootvg if events go wrong on an AIX upgrade and how to mount the cloned rootvg filesystem on a running system. The alt command can also provide a path to a migration of a rootvg disk to another hardware. It is also very useful in having two different versions of AIX installed for testing migrating procedures.